List Your Venue

Hello, and thank you for noticing us. We can also be reached at 801-231-3006

1 Listing Free

1 Listing on the St George Wedding Venues Directory.

You can send us photos, and information about your venue. We'll optimize it for SEO and then post it.

Photos, wheelchair accessibility, amenities, venue rules, and pricing information will be listed.

Get 1 listing, and 250 monthly web traffic for free.
Venue Tours and Promotion - 10% Commission

Unlimited Tour Bookings

Your Free Southern Utah Listing

We'll book venue tours for you. Your listing will connect to your calendars.

Get 2 listings, 500 monthly web traffic, and tours booked for 10% commission of sales brought from tours.

Venues that Sign Up for Tour Bookings automatically get 2 listings and bypass the $200 fee.

Call us at 801-231-3006
Social Media and SEO $445
Your Free Southern Utah Listing

Your Free St George Listing

2 Social Media Posts (150 followers)

3 Backlinks

Venues that get Social Media and Backlinks automatically get 2 listings and bypass the $200 fee.

Get 2 listings, 2 social media posts, and 3 backlinks for $442.

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Why Southern Utah Venues

Southern Utah Only

Visitors are couples looking for vSouthern Utah.

High Intent Couples

We pre-qualify visitors through SEO and accurate listing information.

SEO Help

Backlinks help SEO, but normally cost over $100/month.

We offer backlinks your venue can keep.

Ready to get your dream invitations?